Current position
Erwin Schroedinger fellow at
Physics of Fluids Group
(U. Twente) and at Institute of Fluid Mech. and Heat Transfer (TU Wien)
Contact Information
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2016 PhD student in Environmental and Energy Eng. Science, University of Udine, Italy. Supervisors: Prof. Soldati Alfredo, Dott. Ing. Francesco Zonta.
2016 Visiting researcher, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
2013 Master degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Udine, Italy. Grade: full marks and honour. Thesis Advisors: Prof. Soldati Alfredo, Cristian Marchioli and Francesco Zonta, "Validation of stochastic models for Lagrangian particle tracking in LES flow fields ". Download Thesis (PDF)
2013 Visiting student, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT), Toulouse, France.
2011 Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Udine, Italy. Grade: full marks and honour. Thesis Advisor: Prof. D'Agaro Paola, "Analisi termofluidodinamica di uno scambio termico coniugato in micro pin-fin".