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Power characteristic for CE12500

Geometric parameters of the industrial CE12500 reactor were made dimensionless as required by the correlation equations. Table B.3 gathers the values of the dimensionless parameters used. The equivalent blade height was estimated as
b_{eq}=\frac{n_p}{2.} b
\end{displaymath} (28)

since each impeller blade is equivalent to 0.5 paddle.

Table B.3: Dimensionless parameter for the laboratory vessel.
$\frac{b_{eq}}{D}$ $\frac{d}{D}$ $\frac{H}{D}$ $\frac{B_w}{D}$
$0.108$ $0.576$ $1.33$ $0.073$

Table B.4 gathers calculated parameters for the CE12500 reactor.

Table B.4: Correlation parameters for the CE12500 reactor.
$A$ $B$ $p$ $C$ $N_{e,\infty}$ $N_{e,max}$ $\frac{N_{e,max}}{N_{e,\infty}}$ $\frac{N_{e,B}}{N_{e,\infty}}$
$34.02$ $1.068$ $1.532$ $1.139$ $0.237$ $1.217$ $5.135$ $2.86$

Figure B.2 shows:
  1. the curve for vessel with ``no baffle''
N_e=\frac{A}{Re}+B \left(\frac{10^3+0.6 \cdot f \cdot Re^\alpha}
{10^3+1.6 \cdot f \cdot Re^\alpha} \right)^p
\end{displaymath} (29)

  2. the curve for vessel with ``two baffles''
N_e=\frac{A}{Re}+B \cdot C \cdot \frac{N_{e,B}}{N_{e,\inf...
...cdot Re^\alpha}
{10^3+1.6 \cdot f \cdot Re^\alpha} \right)^p
\end{displaymath} (30)

  3. the curve for ``fully baffled'' vessel
N_e=\frac{A}{Re}+B \cdot \frac{N_{e,max}}{N_{e,\infty}} \...
...cdot Re^\alpha}
{10^3+1.6 \cdot f \cdot Re^\alpha} \right)^p
\end{displaymath} (31)

Results of CFD simulations were compared to the ``two baffles'' curve.

Figure B.2: Power characteristic theoretically derived for CE12500.
\includegraphics [width=14.5cm,height=9.cm]{agosto/ago-teo.ps}

Laboratory vessel and CE12500 are geometrically similar (value of dimensionless parameters is close for the two configurations). The main difference leading to a different power characteristic is the number of baffles. Power dissipation is larger for CE12500 (two baffles) than for the laboratory vessel (in the one baffle configuration).
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