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Contact Information
Video of my talk "What Can Point-Particle Simulations Tell Us about Turbulent Dispersed Flows?" at the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series (2021)
Video of my talk at the BIRS-CMO Workshop "New frontiers in multiphase CFD for the 21st century energy mix" (Oaxaca, August 2018)
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Dispersed Flows Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation Methods Turbulence Structure and Modulation Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Publications in the last 5 years Older publications
Courses webpage (in italian) Proposte di tesi per Ing. Meccanica
Useful Links
EU projects:
MSCA-ITN-EID ''Next-generation computational methods for enhanced multiphase flow processes'' COST Action FP1005 ''Fiber suspension flow modelling''
Summer schools:
Advanced numerical approaches for simulation of turbulent multiphase flows CISM Advanced School (2020) Anisotropic particles in viscous and turbulent flowS CISM Advanced School (2019) Fluid dynamics effects on particle formation in crystallization processes CISM Advanced School (2018) Collective dynamics of particles: From viscous to turbulent flows CISM Advanced School (2014) Non-spherical particles and aggregates in fluid flow CISM Advanced School (2013) Collective dynamics of particles: From viscous to turbulent flows CISM Advanced School (2013) Symposium on Dispersed Two-Phase Flows ICNAAM 2013 (2013) ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidelines: Computational Fluid Dynamics of Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows CFD On Line: CFD On-Line